Friday, September 9, 2011

Shawty (it's your pretend birthday)

This is my friend Shalita when she was a gangsta. She used to be, but now she is more normal I think. Unless you piss her off.

Yo dumb mutt, get your mitts off the marbles before I stuff that mud-pipe down your mush - and tell your moll to hand over the mazuma!

Oh and it's also if she was in the 80's.

Oh and if she had botox-lips.

And if she was a 5-second cartoon drawn in paint with no mouse and using the wrong hand.

Other than that it's pretty much 100% photo-realistic.

1 comment:

  1. Aww thanks for that Amy! A special post just for me! Brings me jizzle to ma hizzle!
